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Home » Non-Standard Auto Insurance

What Is Non-Standard Auto Insurance?

Non-standard auto insurance provides a crucial solution for drivers who find obtaining coverage through standard policies challenging. Bosway Auto Insurance Group, located in Avondale, Arizona, specializes in non-standard auto insurance policies tailored to every driver’s unique needs.

What Does Non-standard Auto Insurance Mean?

Non-standard auto insurance addresses higher risks of causing an accident or filing a claim posed by specific drivers.

Insurers may classify you as high risk for numerous reasons, including the following:

  • Multiple moving violations in a short period
  • At-fault accidents
  • Insuring a high-performance vehicle
  • Lapse in insurance coverage history
  • SR-22 requirement

Non-standard auto insurance allows coverage when standard insurance options are unavailable.

What Does Non-standard Auto Insurance Cover?

Non-standard auto insurance coverage can provide financial protection from many of the same risks as standard auto insurance, including bodily injury and property damage liability, uninsured/underinsured motorist, comprehensive and collision coverage.

Your agent can help tailor a non-standard auto insurance policy to meet your needs.

Contact Us

Contact Bosway Auto Insurance Group for expert guidance and personalized non-standard auto insurance policies.

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